Current Vacancies
Can you spare some time to help support FYFC? We desperately need to fill these roles, otherwise the Club's future is in jeopardy.
The information below is a guide to give you a feel for where we need help. On some occasions, more time is needed and sometimes less . . . and if you would like to give even more time that's OK too!
The Club is constantly evolving and moving forward but it needs fresh ideas and approaches. Just because something has been done a certain way in the past, it doesn't mean that's the best or only way. You might have ideas yourself of what you'd like to see done or how you think we can improve what we are already doing. Remember, everyone volunteers their time; none of us are paid experts and all help is gratefully received.
None of these roles take up that much time each week and many hands make light work. (Too many cooks do not spoil the broth in our case!). Please consider if you can give up a few hours each month and get in touch with us at or pop in the Clubhouse one Saturday morning.
General Secretary
General Secretary
The General Secretary oversees the administrative side of the Club and is one of the key club officers alongside the Chairman, Treasurer and Club Welfare Officer. Without a General Secretary, FYFC cannot function.
In practical terms, the General Secretary will:
manage 'office' supplies (paper, printer cartridges, pens etc);
co-ordinate our annual buildings, contents and employer's liability insurance renewal ie check the renewal details and pass to the Treasurer for payment. Approx 0.5 hours in September
maintain and update club documents (eg the club's constitution, policies and procedures);
attend 4-6 weekly management committee meeting. Approx 1.5 to 2 hours every 4-6 weeks;
arrange and document the Annual General Meeting (assisted by the Minutes Secretary);
deal with any general correspondence relating to FYFC. Minimal.
Estimated average time per month: 2 hours
Minutes Secretary
The Minutes Secretary records and documents what is discussed and agreed at meetings.
In practical terms, the FA Secretary will:
attend and minute the 4-6 weekly management committee meeting. Approx 1.5-2 hours per meeting;
attend and minute the Annual General Meeting. Approx 1 hour per annum;
circulate the meeting minutes to those involved and upload them to the secure area of the website. Approx 1 hour post-meeting;
Estimated time per month: 2.5-3 hours.
Fixtures Secretary
The Fixtures Secretary manages match day pitch availability and related duties.
In practical terms, the Fixtures Secretary will:
manage pitch bookings at Meades Park, Loseley Fields Primary School and Loseley Children's Centre;
communicates pitch availability to managers and/or forwards to Webmaster to be posted on website;
maintains a list of local referees and co-ordinates referee training as needed;
co-ordinates match day tuck shop rota in consultation with the Tuck Shop Manager;
act us a back-up to the Groundsman and Chairman in carrying out pitch inspections during bad weather;
update the Football Development Officer with any concerns or issues ahead of the management committee meetings. Approx 0.5 hours per month.
Estimated time: 1 hour per week during playing season.
Health & Safety Officer
The Health & Safety Officer makes sure that our club is a safe place to come to, whether they are a player, volunteer, spectator or other visitor.
In practical terms, the Health & Safety Officer will:
make sure the club meets fire and other safety guidelines;
ensures first aid kits are kept up to date and top-up supplies are available;
ensures goals and other equipment are safe with reference to The FA's Goalpost Safety Guidelines and similar documentation;
reports any safety concerns to the Officer responsible or the management committee via the General Secretary ahead of the 4-6 weekly management committee meeting.
Estimated time needed per month: 2 hours
Volunteer Co-Ordinator
The Volunteer Co-Ordinator is the first point of contact for anyone that would like to help at FYFC.
In practical terms, the Volunteer Co-Ordinator will:
direct a potential volunteer to the relevant Officer;
makes contact with anyone who offers help through the membership process and follows this through with the relevant Officer;
attend the 4-6 weekly management committee meeting or provide an update to the General Secretary with any concerns or issues ahead of the meeting.
Estimated time needed per month: 1.5 hours